cpudyn, SuSE and Pentium 4 Mobile

cpudyn is a KISS (Keep
It Simple, Stupid) utility designed to save laptop –and desktop–
computers power and heat. The latest cpudyn version works fine with
SuSE (see

– New 0.99.0 version
SuSE 9.0 update: Is necessary to remove the cpufreqd package installed by default.

I’ve seen cpudyn installation problems in a couple of mailing lists
–in Majorca we count
“one, two and a couple” 😉  Here how to install cpudyn in one
Pentium 4 M laptop with SuSE 8.2 (and probably SuSE 9.0):

  • Download
    cpudyn latest version (0.99.0, 13-Feb-2004)
    from the official site
    decompress the file (my ~/tmp/
    directory is used in this page examples, change “benjami” to your user

    benjami@codol:~> cd tmp

    benjami@codol:~/tmp> wget
    benjami@codol:~/tmp> tar zxvf cpudyn-0.99.0.tgz

  • Change to root user, go to the new cpudyn folder, compile and

    benjami@codol:~/tmp> su –


    codol:~ # cd

    (this is a copy&paste: of course, you should change the “benjami” with your user name)
    # make install

  • Now you can manually start cpudyn daemon:

    # /etc/init.d/cpudyn start

  • But cpudyn daemon needs the appropiate processor Kernel module
    working.  One simptom that you don’t have the module is that /proc/cpufreq file is empty:

    # cat /proc/cpufreq

    minimum CPU frequency  –  maximum CPU frequency  – 

    codol:/home/benjami/tmp/cpudyn #

  • P4-clockmod is the appropiate module for the Pentium 4 M
    processor.  Probe it:

    # modprobe p4-clockmod

    If you no receive any error, the module is working and you can see it
    with lsmod:

    # lsmod | grep p4-clockmod

    1488   0  (unused)

    1376   0  [p4-clockmod]

  • Now you can see changes in the /proc/cpufreq file:

    # exit


    benjami@codol:~/tmp> cat

    minimum CPU frequency  –  maximum CPU frequency  – 

    0       149519 kHz ( 12 %) 
    –    1196153 kHz (100 %)  –  performance

    … when the chip is in perfomance mode, and when is powersaving …

    benjami@codol:~/tmp> cat

    minimum CPU frequency  –  maximum CPU frequency  – 

    0       149519 kHz ( 12 %) 
    –    1196153 kHz (100 %)  –  powersave

    watch is great to
    constantly see this file contents:

    benjami@codol:~/tmp> watch
    -n 1 cat /proc/cpufreq

  • Finally, you can use YaST2
    in order to load the p4-clockmod
    module and cpudyn daemon at startup. YasT2
    allows to change the cpudyn
    parameters too:

  • Figure
    : Load p4-clockmod module on
    Go to YaST2 Control Center >
    System > Editor
    for /etc/sysconfig Files.  Now select System > Kernel >
    MODULES_LOADED_ON_BOOT in the left tree.  Add p4-clockmod to the existing list.

  • Figure
    : Start cpudyn daemon on startup.
    Go to YaST2 Control Center >
    System > Runlevel
    Editor.  Click Runlevel
    properties button. Search cpudyn in the list.  Select 3 i 5
    in the Service will be started in
    following runlevels section, and clic the Finish button.

  • Figure
    : Change cpudyn parameters.
    Go to YaST2 Control Center >
    System > Editor
    for /etc/sysconfig Files.  Now
    select Other > etc > sysconfig > cpudyn > OPTS in
    the left tree.  To see all of the parameter possibilities, run man cpudynd or read the official homepage
    examples and FAQ section.
  • Other modules
    I only know those modules (and I’m not sure, feedback wanted 🙂 that
    you should use to replace p4-clockmod as
    mentioned in this article:

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