Debian Weekly News

Dado que somos ya muchos Debianitas, empezaré a poner las noticias semanales de Debian. Son un poco largas para traducirlas. Si no entendéis, preguntad y responderemos 😉
Lo “curioso” de esta semana es la opinión de Richard Stallman a una pregunta sobre si debería o no incluirse paquetes “non-free” en Debian. Según RSM, en Gnome no lo hacen al ser un proyecto de GNU y hay que dar ejemplo por principios (el software propietario es malo). Pero los que no tienen esos principios, están en libertad de hacerlo. Debian ha decidido continuar incluyéndolos sin anunciarlos.

Debian Weekly News
Debian Weekly News – October 30th, 2001

MPEG in a Console. Last week we mentioned that Uwe Herrman had
announced an [1]Intent to Package (ITP) for an MPEG player running in
a text console. We got an email from Adam Sjogren saying that plaympeg
from the smpeg-plaympeg package has this capability already. By
running plaympeg in a console, or unsetting the DISPLAY environment
variable in an xterm, it will run in console mode.

Linux Down Under. James Bromberger wrote in to tell us about a Debian
Conference being planned for February 2002 in Australia. The
conference will be February 4th and 5th, two days before the conference. For more information, or to read the Call
for Papers, visit the site at

Feedback from RMS. We got a response from Richard M. Stallman about
our statement on discussing free and non-free software in DWN, and we
promised to pass it on:

“The situations of GNOME and Debian are not the same, because GNOME is
a part of the GNU Project. The GNU Project policy since the outset has
been that we don’t advertise availability of non-free software. GNOME
ought to follow this policy. (I wish that Debian would adopt it, too.)

The reason that GNU has this policy is to follow our own principles
seriously. The reason for developing the GNU system, and the central
principle of what we say to the public, is that non-free software is a
bad thing. If we recommend a non-free program, we contradict that
principle. Others whose actions are based on different principles
might be able to recommend a non-free program without contradicting
their principles, but not us.”

For the time being, DWN will continue to report on non-free software
when appropriate — however, when we do list non-free software in the
“New Packages” section or elsewhere, it will be labelled as such.

Buildd for Debian/Hurd. Jeff Bailey happily [3]announced that he has
gotten the Debian [4]build daemon to run on his Debian/Hurd machine.
That should help the Hurd port keep up with the rest of the archive.
Logs from this buildd are available on the buildd website above.

LSB Specification Update. Upon request, Christopher Yeoh posted an
[5]update on the LSB Specification. There is ongoing work being done
for a 1.0.1 release which will primarily be editorial changes and the
fixing of a few very obvious errors. Both the released version 1.0 and
daily snapshots are found [6]here. There is also a [7]database of
results from LSB tests online.

New Potato Release Behind the Door. Joey is working hard on getting a
new release of Potato out. This will contain most security updates
since the last Potato release as well as a couple of corrected
packages. The plan is to release 2.2r4 at the beginning of November
this year. See his [8]second take on the package list and send him
comments if you feel that he’s missing something in the [9]current

Debian on DVD! Slashdot recently [10]reported that [11]LAN Comp
Systems is distributing snapshots of the upcoming Debian release,
codenamed ‘woody’, on DVD-R. There are source and binary-i386 DVDs,
containing main, contrib, non-free and non-US. Looks like an
interesting alternative to a 4-5 CD set. Jim Westveer [12]explained
how a DVD is mastered with Debian’s tools.

FHS Transition. Joey Hess [13]checked if his system complies with an
old [14]tech committee decision from over 2 years ago on how /usr/doc
will be transitioned. Joey says that we are currently near the end of
step 2 and /usr/doc consists only of symlinks to /usr/share/doc.
Except for very few packages the same applies to /usr/man and
/usr/share/man, while the transition for /usr/info hasn’t yet

First OpenOffice Debian Package. Peter Novodvorsky [15]announced the
first successful build of OpenOffice #638c for Debian. It compiles
into one single package which is 75MB large. Dooh. It is packaged
lousily and reflects only a pre-pre-alpha stage, but it’s a start. Use
at your own risk! OpenOffice, however, has a modularized structure,
and thus should be split up in smaller packages. However, [16]license
problems with the JDK still remain. See the discussion above for
details. In addition to that Jan-Hendrik Palic recently posted a
comprehensive [17]status report.

New or Noteworthy Packages.
* [18]brltty — Access software for a blind person using a soft
braille terminal.
* [19]xmms-jess — A “funky” visualisation plugin for XMMS.
* [20]pari-gp — A computer algebra system. Formerly under a
non-free license, now released under the GPL.

No News is Good News? We have no security issues to report this week.

Keep it Coming. We’ve been getting a lot of useful feedback and tips
about new packages and so on. Keep it up! Until next week, have a
happy Halloween!


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