Disponible Valgrind 1.0.0

Paseando por SlashDot he visto la noticia de la liberación de Valgrind un debugger GPL para x86-GNU/Linux, que ha alcanzado la versión 1.0.0, y que parece que funciona muy bien, situandose casi-casi al nivel de Purify

Valgrind is a GPL’d tool to help you find memory-management problems in your programs. When a program is run under Valgrind’s supervision, all reads and writes of memory are checked, and calls to malloc/new/free/delete are intercepted. As a result, Valgrind can detect problems such as:

  • Use of uninitialised memory
  • Reading/writing memory after it has been free’d
  • Reading/writing off the end of malloc’d blocks
  • Reading/writing inappropriate areas on the stack
  • Memory leaks — where pointers to malloc’d blocks are lost forever
  • Passing of uninitialised and/or unaddressible memory to system calls
  • Mismatched use of malloc/new/new [] vs free/delete/delete []
  • Some misuses of the POSIX pthreads API

Muy buen trabajo de Julian Seward. Desde aquí felicitarle por su potente herramienta Valgrind, que ya se está utilizando, con gran éxito, en proyectos como KDE 3, Gnome, Mozilla y AbiWord entre otros.

Valgrind, an open-source memory debugger for x86-GNU/Linux


  • Documentación de Valgrind, version 1.0.0


  • The design and implementation of Valgrind
    Detailed technical notes for hackers, maintainers and the overly-curious


  • Valgrind 1.0.0 Released (Noticia en Slahdot)
    “Yesterday saw the official release of Valgrind 1.0.0. Valgrind is a C/ C++ programmer’s dream come true: effortless memory allocation checking, uninitialized memory access, leaks etc. Purify for Linux has arrived, only better: contrary to its commercial (non-Linux) sibling, checking is performed directly on the executable, no re-linking necessary. The technology behind Valgrind is highly fascinating and explained down to the very gory details in the documentation.”




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