Hace ya bastante tiempo descubri el gestor de ventanas XFce, que puede considerarse como una especie de clon del entorno CDE, tipico de las workstations SUN, Aix y HP/UX, pero mucho mas intuitivo, ligero, versatil y potente.
Disponible para la mayoria de los UNIX existentes, basado en las librerias GTK+ y con licencia GPL, esta maravilla de Olivier FOURDAN esta ganando usuarios dia a dia. Incluso lei hace algun tiempo que XFce podria considerarse como el tercero en discordia respecto al KDE y el Gnome…
Entre las caracteristicas mas destacadas de la ultima version disponible, la 3.8.4, tenemos:
- Drag and drop
- File management
- Full session management support, including builtin session management and XSM (X11R6 protocol).
- Support for several graphic image types with Imlib (if available) or GNOME gdk-pixbuf.
- NLS, Native Language Support, in all XFce applications, even in xfwm built-in menus.
- Translations in Catalan, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish and Swedish.
- Support for multi-byte character sets (Such as Korean and Japanese)
- From 2 to 10 virtual screens, driven from the panel itself
- From 0 to 12 popup menus on XFce panel
- User configurable size of icons on the panel and popup menus
- New panel design, with smaller size.
- Improved window management (Windows snapping, windows shading, etc.)
- Configurable window decorations (choose between 3 themes engines, Xfce, Mofit and Trench)
- xfwm, Xfce window manager, now features really powerfull Xinerama support in Xfree 4, including automatic window translation, edge resistance between physical screens, etc.
- Optionnal Xft (anti-aliased fonts) support in xfwm when compiled against XFree86 4.1.x
- A new and amazing feature to help finding the mouse pointer on a huge screen : Simply press Alt key and click to see a cute animation around the pointer.
- New window title bar and buttons design
- Linux FHS compliancy
- An embedded diagnostic dialog to learn about the execution of programs spawned from xfce.
- Embedded management of standard X resources, giving all applications the same look.
- Automatic theme generator : Choose your colors from the color selector, select a gtk engine from the list and apply your settings to all your gtk and GNOME applications at once.
- And many other new features I cannot mention here…
Aunque por encima de todas estas caractiristicas, yo destacaria su gran velocidad, ya que este ha sido la principal motivacion para crear el XFce : The XFce project wasfirst started because I needed a simple, light and efficient environment for my Linux System.(Olivier) .
Home Page del XFce
Descarga la ultima version desde SourceForge.
Una vez de descargado, vamos al directorio, y ejecutamos el tipico:
make install
Para instalarlo y desinstalarlo usaremos 2 scripts propios del XFce; xfce_setup (para realizar la instalacion) y xfce_remove (para desintalarlo).
Solo nos quedara indicarle la variable de entorno LANG, para tener la version en nuestro idioma, antes de ejecutar el startx:
export LANG=”fr” (Frances)
export LANG=”es_ES” (Castellano)
export LANG=”ca” (Catalan)
Para una descripcion mas detallada de este proceso, el fichero Install.
Carlos Cortes
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