El ligero y rapidisimo gestor de ventanas XFce.

Hace ya bastante tiempo descubri el gestor de ventanas XFce, que puede considerarse como una especie de clon del entorno CDE, tipico de las workstations SUN, Aix y HP/UX, pero mucho mas intuitivo, ligero, versatil y potente.

Disponible para la mayoria de los UNIX existentes, basado en las librerias GTK+ y con licencia GPL, esta maravilla de Olivier FOURDAN esta ganando usuarios dia a dia. Incluso lei hace algun tiempo que XFce podria considerarse como el tercero en discordia respecto al KDE y el Gnome

Entre las caracteristicas mas destacadas de la ultima version disponible, la 3.8.4, tenemos:

  • Drag and drop
  • File management
  • Full session management support, including builtin session management and XSM (X11R6 protocol).
  • Support for several graphic image types with Imlib (if available) or GNOME gdk-pixbuf.
  • NLS, Native Language Support, in all XFce applications, even in xfwm built-in menus.
  • Translations in Catalan, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish and Swedish.
  • Support for multi-byte character sets (Such as Korean and Japanese)
  • From 2 to 10 virtual screens, driven from the panel itself
  • From 0 to 12 popup menus on XFce panel
  • User configurable size of icons on the panel and popup menus
  • New panel design, with smaller size.
  • Improved window management (Windows snapping, windows shading, etc.)
  • Configurable window decorations (choose between 3 themes engines, Xfce, Mofit and Trench)
  • xfwm, Xfce window manager, now features really powerfull Xinerama support in Xfree 4, including automatic window translation, edge resistance between physical screens, etc.
  • Optionnal Xft (anti-aliased fonts) support in xfwm when compiled against XFree86 4.1.x
  • A new and amazing feature to help finding the mouse pointer on a huge screen : Simply press Alt key and click to see a cute animation around the pointer.
  • New window title bar and buttons design
  • Linux FHS compliancy
  • An embedded diagnostic dialog to learn about the execution of programs spawned from xfce.
  • Embedded management of standard X resources, giving all applications the same look.
  • Automatic theme generator : Choose your colors from the color selector, select a gtk engine from the list and apply your settings to all your gtk and GNOME applications at once.
  • And many other new features I cannot mention here…

Aunque por encima de todas estas caractiristicas, yo destacaria su gran velocidad, ya que este ha sido la principal motivacion para crear el XFce : The XFce project wasfirst started because I needed a simple, light and efficient environment for my Linux System.(Olivier) .

Home Page del XFce
Descarga la ultima version desde SourceForge.


Una vez de descargado, vamos al directorio, y ejecutamos el tipico:

make install

Para instalarlo y desinstalarlo usaremos 2 scripts propios del XFce; xfce_setup (para realizar la instalacion) y xfce_remove (para desintalarlo).

Solo nos quedara indicarle la variable de entorno LANG, para tener la version en nuestro idioma, antes de ejecutar el startx:

export LANG=”fr” (Frances)
export LANG=”es_ES” (Castellano)
export LANG=”ca” (Catalan)

Para una descripcion mas detallada de este proceso, el fichero Install.

Carlos Cortes

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