Fallo de seguridad en htdig

El equipo de seguridad de Debian ha detectado un
fallo de seguridad remoto sobre htdig. Htdig será usado por el grupo de desarrollo de la web de Bulma.

Parte del aviso de Debian en Security Focus:


Debian Security Advisory
[email protected]

Wichert Akkerman

February 27, 2000

Package: htdig

Vulnerability type: remote exploit

Debian-specific: no

The version of htdig that was distribution in Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (aka slink)
is vulnerable to a remote attack. There was a vulnerability in the htsearch
script that allowed remote users to read any file on the webserver that is readable
by the uid under which the server is running.

This has been fixed in version 3.1.5-0.1. We recommend you upgrade your htdig package immediately.

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