Journal File Systems in Linux

This is a lightly modified version of a couple of articles published in
Novática(1) (Spanish) and
(English, PDF(3))
where we explain the implementation of all journaling file systems
available for Linux.
PS: the article was written while Ext3 was still under development to include it in the standard kernel.

Journal File Systems in Linux

Ricardo Galli
[email protected]

Dept. de Matemàtiques i Informàtica
Universitat de les Illes Balears
en castellano
en Français

First of all, there is no a clear winner, XFS is better in
some aspects or cases, ReiserFS in others, and both are better than
Ext2 in the sense that they are comparable in performance (again,
sometimes faster, sometimes slightly slower) but they a journaling
file systems, and you already know what are their advantages… And
perhaps the most important moral, is that Linux buffer/cache is really
impressive and affected, positively, all the figures of my compilations,
copies and random reads and writes. So, I would say, buy memory and
go journaled ASAP…

Keywords: Linux, operating systems, page cache, buffer cache,
journal file systems, ext3, xfs, reiserfs, jfs.


The paragraph above was the first one in an
article(6) published in the
Balearic Islands Linux User Group web
which described a second run of benchmarks over the Linux journaled
file systems in comparison against traditional Unix file systems.

Although somehow informal, both benchmarks covered FAT32, Ext2, ReiserFS,
XFS, and JFS for several cases: Hans Reiser’s Mongo benchmark tool,
file copying, kernel compilation and a small C program that to simulated
the access patterns of database systems.

Both articles were among the first published, and our server was overwhelmed
due the slashdot effect derived from their publication in
They mainly served to de-mystify the common believe that journaling
file systems are significantly slower in comparison with traditional
Unix file systems (UFS) and derived, namely ext2, which has been the
standard file system in Linux.

Since those days, more benchmarks have been published, but the truth
is still the same: there is not a clear winner. Some systems
perform better than other in some cases, for example ReiserFS is really
good for reading small to medium size files, while XFS behaves better
for large files, and JFS is said to facilitate the migration of existing
system running in OS/2 Warp and AIX systems.

This article presents the all journal file systems available for Linux:
Ext3, ReiserFS, XFS and JFS. We also introduce the basic concepts
of file systems, buffer-cache, and page-cache implemented
in the Linux kernel. The performance of the different file systems
is strongly affected by those optmisation techniques. Indeed, not
only the performance is affected, but also the implementation and
porting of the different file systems. SGI introduced a new module,
pagebuf, that serves as the interface between their own XFS
buffering techniques and the Linux page cache.

The Linux Virtual File System

A File is a very important abstraction in the computing programming
field. Files serve for storing data permanently, they offer a few
simple but powerful primitives to the programmers. Files are normally
organised in a tree-like hierarchy where intermediate nodes are directories,
which in turns are capable of grouping files and sub-directories.

The file system is the way the operating system organises, manages
and maintains the file hierarchy into mass-storage devices, normally
hard disks. Every modern operating system supports several different,
disparate, file systems. In order to maintain the operating system
modular, and to provide applications with a uniform programming interface
(API), a higher layer that implements the common functionality of
those underlying file systems is implemented in the kernel: the Virtual
File System.

File systems supported by the Linux VFS fall into three categories:

  • Disk based, including hard disk, floppy disk and CD-ROM, including
    ext2fs, ReiserFS, XFS, ext3fs, UFS, iso9660, etc.
  • Network based, including NFS, Coda, and SMB.
  • Special file systems, including /proc, ramfs, and devfs.
  • The common file model can be viewed as object-oriented, with objects
    being software constructs (data structures and associated methods/functions)
    of the following types:

    • Super block: stores information related to a mounted file
      system. It is represented by a file system control block stored on
      disk (for disk based file systems).
    • i-node: stores information relating to a single file. It
      corresponds to a file system control block stored on disk. Each i-node
      holds the meta-information of the file: owner, group, creation time,
      access-time and a set of pointer to the disk block that store the
      file date.
    • File: stores information relating to the interaction of an
      open file and a process. This object only exists while a process is
      interacting with a file.
    • Dentry: links a directory entry (pathname) with its corresponding
      file. Recently used dentry objects are held in a dentry cache to speed
      up the translation from a pathname to the inode of the corresponding

    All modern Unix systems allow file system data to be accessed using
    two mechanisms (Figure two).

  • Memory mapping with mmap: The mmap() system call gives the
    application direct memory-mapped access to the kernel’s page cache
    data. The purpose of mmap is to map a file data into a VMS address
    space, so data in the file can be treated as a standard in-memory
    array or structure. File data is read into the page cache lazily as
    processes attempt to access the mappings created with mmap() and generate
    page faults.
  • Direct block I/O system call such as read and write:
    The read() system call reads data from block devices into the kernel
    cache (avoided for CD and DVD reading by means of O_DIRECT ioctl
    parameter), then it copies data from the kernel’s cached copy onto
    the application address space. The write() system call copies data
    in the opposite direction, from the application address space into
    the kernel cache and eventually, in a near future, writing
    the data from the cache to disk. These interfaces are implemented
    using either the buffer cache or the page cache
    to store the data in the kernel.

  • Linux Page-cache and Buffer-cache

    In older Linux versions (and general UNIX-like operating systems),
    memory-mapping requests were handled by the virtual memory management
    subsystem (VM or MM), while I/O calls were handled independently by
    the I/O subsystem. For example, in Linux up to version 2.2.x, the
    VM subsystem and I/O subsystem each have their own data caching mechanisms
    to improve performance: buffer cache and page

    Buffer cache and page cache

    The Buffer Cache

    The buffer cache holds individual disk blocks copies. The device and
    block numbers indexes the cache entries. Each buffer refers to a single
    arbitrary block on the hard disk, and it consists of a header and
    an area of memory equal to the block size of the associated

    To minimise management overhead, all buffers are held in one of several
    linked lists. Each linked list contains buffers in the same state:
    unused, free, clean, dirty, locked, etc.

    Every time a read occurs, the buffer cache sub-system must find if
    the target block is already in cache. To find it quickly, a hash table
    is maintained of all the buffers present in the cache. The buffer
    cache is also used to improve writing performance. Instead of carrying
    out all writes immediately, the kernel stores data temporally in the
    buffer cache, waiting to see if it is possible to group several writes
    together. A buffer that contains data that is waiting to be written
    to disk is termed dirty.

    The Page Cache

    The page cache, instead, holds full virtual memory pages (4 KB in
    x86 Linux platform). The pages come from files in the file system,
    and, in fact, page cache entries are partially indexed by the file
    i-node number and its offset within the file. A page is almost invariably
    larger than a single disk logical block, and the blocks that
    make up a single page cache entry may not be contiguous on the disk.

    The page cache is largely used to interface the requirements of the
    virtual memory subsystem, which uses fixed 4 KB size pages, to the
    VFS subsystem, that uses variable size blocks or other types of techniques,
    such as extents in XFS and JFS.

    Integration of page and buffer cache

    The above two mechanisms operated semi-independently of each other.
    The operating system has to take special care to synchronise the two
    caches in order to prevent applications from receiving invalid data.
    Furthermore, if the system become short on memory, it has to take
    hard decisions on whether reclaim memory from the page cache or buffer

    The page cache tends to be easier to deal with, since it more directly
    represents the concepts used in higher levels of the kernel code.
    The buffer cache also has the limitation that cached data must always
    be mapped into kernel virtual space, which puts an additional artificial
    limit on the amount of data that can be cached since modern hardware
    can easily have more RAM than kernel virtual address space.

    Thus, over time, parts of the kernel have shifted over from
    using the buffer cache to using the page cache
    . The individual blocks
    of a page cache entry are still managed through the buffer cache.
    But accessing the buffer cache directly can create confusion between
    the two levels of caching.

    This lack of integration led to inefficient overall system performance
    and a lack of flexibility. To achieve good performance it is important
    for the virtual memory and I/O subsystems to be highly integrated.

    The approach taken by Linux to reduce the inefficiencies of double
    copies is to store the file data only in the page cache (Figure

    Data is shared by page cache and buffer cache

    Temporary mappings of page cache pages to support read() and write()
    are hardly needed since Linux maps permanently all of physical memory
    into the kernel virtual address space. One interesting twist that
    Linux adds is that the device block numbers where a page is stored
    on disk are cached with the page in the form of a list of buffer_head
    structures. When a modified page is to be written back to disk, the
    I/O requests can be sent to the device driver right away, without
    needing to read any indirect blocks to determine where the data must
    be written.

    Page-cache Unification

    Following the “Unified I/O and Memory Caching Subsystem for NetBSD”,
    Linus Torvalds wanted to change the page-buffer cache behaviour for
    Linux. In May 4th, 2001, in a message to the Linux-kernel developer’s
    list, he wrote the following:

    I do want to re-write block_read/write to use the page cache,
    but not because it would impact anything in this discussion. I want
    to do it early in 2.5.x, because:

    – it will speed up accesses

    – it will re-use existing code better and conceptualize things
    more cleanly (ie it would turn a disk into a _really_ simple filesystem
    with just one big file ;).

    – it will make MM handling much better for things like fsck
    – the memory pressure is designed to work on page cache things.

    – it will be one less thing that uses the buffer cache as
    a “cache” (I want people to think of, and use, the buffer cache
    as an _IO_ entity, not a cache).

    It will not make the “cache at bootup” thing change
    at all (because even in the page cache, there is no commonality between
    a virtual mapping of a _file_ (or metadata) and a virtual mapping
    of a _disk_ ).

    Although these desirable changes were not expected until 2.5.x, finally
    Linus decided to integrate a bunch of Andrea Arcangeli patches, plus
    changes on his own, and released 2.4.10, which finally unified
    the page and buffer cache
    (Figure unified). Thus, an important
    improvement in I/O operations is expected, altogether with a better
    VM tuning, especially for memory shortage situation.

    Unified to page cache

    Journaling File Systems

    The standard file system for Linux was ext2fs. Ext2 was designed
    by Wayne Davidson with collaboration from Stephen Tweedie and Theodore
    Ts’o. It is an improvement of the previous ext file system
    designed by Rémy Card. The ext2fs is an i-node based file-system,
    the i-node maintains the metadata of the file and the pointers to
    the actual data blocks.

    To speed up the performance of I/O operations, data is temporally
    allocated in RAM memory by means of the buffer cache and page cache
    subsystem. The problem appears if there is a system crash of electric
    outage before the modified data in the cache (dirty buffers) have
    been written to disk. This would cause an inconsistency of the whole
    file system, for example a new file that wasn’t created in the disk
    or files that were removed but their i-nodes and data blocks still
    remain in the disk.

    The fsck (file system check) was the common recovering
    tool to resolve the inconsistencies. But fsck has to scan the whole
    disk partition and check the interdependencies among i-nodes, data
    blocks and directory contents. With the enlargement of disk’s capacity,
    restoring the consistency of the file system has become a very time
    consuming task, which creates serious problems of availability for
    large servers. This is the main reason for the file systems to inherit
    database transaction and recover technologies, and thus the appearance
    of Journaling File Systems or Journal File Systems.

    A journaling file system is a fault-resilient file system in which
    data integrity is ensured because updates to files’ metadata are written
    to a serial log on disk before the original disk blocks are updated.
    In the event of a system failure, a full journaling file system ensures
    that the file system consistency is restored. The most common approach
    is a method of journaling or logging the metadata
    of files. With logging, whenever something is changed in the metadata
    of a file, this new attribute information is logged into a reserved
    area of the file system. The file system will write the actual data
    to the disk only after the write of the metadata to the log is complete.
    When a system crash occurs, the system recovery code will analyse
    the metadata log and try to clean up only those inconsistent
    files by replaying the log file.

    The earliest journaling file systems, created in the mid-1980s, included
    Veritas (VxFS), Tolerant, and IBM’s JFS. With increasing demands being
    placed on file systems to support terabytes of data, thousands upon
    thousands of files per directory and 64-bit capability, the interest
    in journaling file system for Linux has growth over the last years.

    Linux has three new contenders in the journaling file systems in the
    past few months: ReiserFS(7) from Namesys,
    XFS(8) from SGI,
    JFS(9) from IBM
    and Ext3(10)
    developed by Stephen Tweedie, co-creator of Ext2.

    While ReiserFS is a complete new file system written from scratch,
    XFS, JFS and Ext3 are derived from commercial products or existing
    file systems. XFS is based, and partially shares the same code, on
    the system developed by SGI for its workstations and servers. JFS
    was designed and developed by IBM for its OS/2 Warp, which is itself
    derived from the AIX file system.

    ReiserFS is the only one included in the standard Linux kernel tree,
    the others are planned to be included in version 2.5, although XFS
    and JFS are fully functional, officially released as kernel patches,
    and in production quality.

    Ext3 is an extension to ext2. It adds two independent modules, a transaction
    and a logging module. Ext3 is close to is final version, RedHat 7.2
    already includes it as option and will be the official file system
    of Red Hat distributions.


    The basic tool for improving performance compared to traditional UNIX

    file systems is to avoid the use of linked lists or bitmaps -for free
    blocks, directory entries and data block addressing- that have inherent
    scalability problem (typical complexity for search is O(n)) and are
    not adequate for new, vary large capacity disks. All the new systems
    use Balanced Trees (B-Trees) or variation of them (B+Trees).

    Balanced tree is an well studied structure, they are more robust in
    their performance but at the same time management and balancing algorithms
    become more complex. The B+Tree structure has been used on databases
    indexing structures for a long time. This structure provided databases
    with a scalable and fast manner to access their records. The + sign
    means that the B-Tree is a modified version of the original that:

    • Place all keys at the leaves.
    • Leaves nodes can be linked together.
    • Internal nodes and leaves can be of different sizes.
    • Never needs to change parent if a key in a leaf is deleted.
    • Makes sequential operations easier and cheaper.


    ReiserFS is based on fast balanced trees (B+Tree) to organise file
    system objects. File systems objects are the structures used to maintain
    file information: access time, file permissions, etc. In other words,
    the information contained within an i-node, directories and the files’
    data. ReiserFS calls those objects, stat data items, directory
    items and direct/indirect items, respectively. ReiserFS only
    provides metadata journaling. In case of a non-planned reboot, data
    in blocks that were being used at the time of the crash could have
    been corrupted; thus ReiserFS does not guarantee the file contents
    themselves are uncorrupted.

    Unformatted nodes are logical blocks with no given format,
    used to store file data, and the direct items consist of file
    data itself. Also, those items are of variable size and stored within
    the leaf nodes of the tree, sometimes with others in case there is
    enough space within the node. File information is stored close to
    file data, since the file system always tries to put stat data items
    and the direct/indirect items of the same file together. Opposed to
    direct items, the file data pointed by indirect items is not stored
    within the tree. This special management of direct items is due to
    small file support: tail packing.

    Tail packing is a special ReiserFS feature. Tails are files
    that are smaller than a logical block, or the trailing portions of
    files that do not fill up a complete block. To save disk space, ReiserFS
    uses tail packing to hold tails into as small a space as possible.
    Generally, this allows a ReiserFS to hold around 5% more than an
    equivalent Ext2 file system. The direct items are intended to keep
    small file data and even the tails of the files. Therefore, several
    tails could be kept within the same leaf node.

    ReiserFS has an excellent small-file performance because it is able
    to incorporate these tails into its B-Tree so that they are really
    close to the stat data. Since tails do not fill up a complete
    block, they can waste disk space.

    The problem is that using this technique of keeping the file’s tails
    together would increase external fragmentation, since the file data
    is now further from the file tail. Moreover, the task of packing tails
    is time-consuming and leads to performance penalties. This is a consequence
    of the memory shifts needed when someone appends data to a file. Namesys
    realised this problem and allows system administrator to disable the
    tail packing by specifying the notail option at the time
    the file system is mounted or event remounted.

    ReiserFS uses fixed size block (4KB) oriented allocation
    that affects negatively to the performance of I/O operations of large
    files. The other weakness of ReiserFS is that the sparse file performance
    is significantly worse compared to ext2, although Namesys is working
    on optimising this case.

    Block based allocation


    On May 1 2001, SGI made available Release 1.0 of its journaling XFS
    file system for Linux. XFS, is recognised by its support for large
    disk farm and very high I/O throughput (tested up to 7GB/sec). XFS
    was developed for the IRIX 5.3 SGI Unix operating system, its first
    version was introduced in December 1994. The target of the file system
    was to support vary large files and high throughput for real time
    video recording and playing.

    To increase the scalability of the file system XFS uses of B+Trees
    extensively. They are used for tracking free extents, index directories
    and to keep track of dynamically allocated i-nodes scattered throughout
    the file system. In addition, XFS uses an asynchronous write ahead
    logging scheme for protecting metadata updates and allowing fast file
    system recovery.

    XFS uses an extent based space allocation,
    and it has features like delayed allocation, space pre-allocation
    and space coalescing on deletion, and goes to great lengths in attempting
    to layout files using the largest extents possible. To make the management
    of large amounts of contiguous space in a file efficient, XFS uses
    very large extent descriptors in the file extent map. Each descriptor
    can describe up to two million file system blocks. Describing large
    numbers of blocks with a single extent descriptor eliminates the CPU
    overhead of scanning entries in the extent map to determine whether
    blocks in the file are contiguous, it can simply read the length of
    the extent rather than looking at each entry to see if it is contiguous
    with the previous entry.

    Extent based allocation

    XFS allows variable sized blocks, from 512 bytes to 64 kilobytes on
    a per file system basis. Changing the file system block size can vary
    fragmentation. File systems with large numbers of small files typically
    use smaller block sizes in order to avoid wasting space via internal
    fragmentation. File systems with large files tend to make the opposite
    choice and use large block sizes in order to reduce external fragmentation
    of the file system and their files’ extents.

    XFS is complex chunk of code on IRIX and very IRIX-centric, so in
    porting to Linux this interface was redesigned and rewritten from
    scratch. The result is the Linux pagebuf module, it provides
    the interface between XFS and the virtual memory subsystem and also
    between XFS and the Linux block device layer.

    XFS support ACL’s (integrated with the Samba server) and transactional
    quotes. On Linux it supports quotes per-group instead of IRIX per-project
    quota, as this is the way quota are implemented in Linux file systems
    (and Linux has no equivalent concept to “projects”).
    More esoteric features of XFS on IRIX that provide file system services
    customized for specific demanding applications (e.g. real-time video
    serving) have not been ported to Linux yet.

    The normal mode of operation for XFS is to use an asynchronously
    written log. It still ensures that the write ahead logging protocol
    is followed in that modified data cannot be flushed to disk until
    the data is committed to the on-disk log. XFS gains two things by
    writing the log asynchronously:

  • Multiple updates can be batched into a single log write. This increases
    the efficiency of the log writes with respect to the underlying disk
  • The performance of metadata updates is normally made independent of
    the speed of the underlying drives. This independence is limited by
    the amount of buffering dedicated to the log, but it is far better
    than the synchronous updates of older file systems.
  • XFS also has a fairly extensive set of userspace tools for dumping,
    restoring, repairing, growing, snapshotting, tools for using ACLs
    and disk quotas, etc.

    I just received an email from the maintainer of the XFS FAQ, Seth Mos, who clarifies
    a couple of XFS issues for Linux.


    As the XFS FAQ maintainer i would like to make a small note.

    XFS only supports blocksize where blocksize == pagesize == 4k.

    There currently is no code to do the block < page size but it is on the
    todo list with low priority. It will be done probably this year since disks
    formatted under IRIX frequently use 512 Byte blocks. So this support  is
    needed for extra compatibility. Disks formatted under IRIX with 4K blocks
    and v2 directories will be readable under both IRIX and Linux without problems.

    The block > page size is way down the list as that requires a lot of effort
    and changes in the core linux kernel as well.



    IBM introduced its UNIX file system as the Journaled File System (JFS)
    with the initial release of AIX Version 3.1. It has now introduced
    a second file system that is to run on AIX systems called Enhanced
    Journaled File System (JFS2), which is available in AIX Version 5.0
    and later versions. The JFS open source code on originated from that
    currently shipping with the OS/2 Warp Server for e-business.

    JFS is tailored primarily for the high throughput and reliability
    requirements of servers. JFS uses extent-based addressing structures,
    along with clustered block allocation policies,
    to produce compact, efficient, and scalable structures
    for mapping logical offsets within files to physical addresses on
    disk. An extent is a sequence of contiguous blocks allocated to a
    file as a unit and is described by a triple, consisting of <logical
    offset, length, physical>. The addressing structure is a B+Tree populated
    with extent descriptors, rooted in the i-node and keyed by logical
    offset within the file.

    JFS logs are maintained in each file system and used to record information
    about operations on metadata. The log has a format that also is set
    by the file system creation utility.

    JFS logging semantics are such that, when a file system operation
    involving meta-data changes returns a successful return code, the
    effects of the operation have been already committed to the file system
    and will be seen even if the system crashes inmediately after the

    The old logging style introduced a synchronous write to the log disk
    into each i-node or VFS operation that modifies meta-data. In terms
    of performance, it is a performance disadvantage when compared to
    other journaling file systems, such as Veritas VxFS and XFS, which
    use different logging styles and lazily write log data to disk. When
    concurrent operations are performed, this performance cost is reduced
    by group commit, which combines multiple synchronous write operations
    into a single write operation. JFS logging style has been improved
    and it currently provides asynchronous logging, which increases performance
    of the file system.

    JFS supports block sizes of 512, 1024, 2048, and 4096 bytes on a per-file
    system basis. Smaller block sizes reduce the amount of internal fragmentation.
    However, small blocks can increase path length since block allocation
    activities may occur more often than if a large block size were used.
    The default block size is 4096 bytes.

    JFS dynamically allocates space for disk i-nodes as required, freeing
    the space when it is no longer needed. Two different directory organizations
    are provided.

  • The first organization is used for small directories and stores the
    directory contents within the directory’s i-node. This eliminates
    the need for separate directory block I/O as well as the need to allocate
    separate storage.
  • The second organization is used for larger directories and represents
    each directory as a B+Tree keyed on name. It provides faster directory
    lookup, insertion, and deletion capabilities.
  • JFS supports both, sparse and dense files, on a per-file system basis.
    Sparse files allow data to be written to random locations within a
    file without instantiating others unwritten file blocks. The file
    size reported is the highest byte that has been written to, but the
    actual allocation of any given block in the file does not occur until
    a write operation is performed on that block.


    Ext3 is compatible with Ext2, actually it is an ext2fs with a journal
    file. Ext3 is the half of a journaling file system mentioned,
    it is a layer atop the traditional ext2 file system that does keep
    a journal file of disk activity so that recovery from an improper
    shutdown is much quicker than that of ext2 alone. But, because it
    is tied to ext2, it suffers some of the limitations of the older ext2
    system and therefore does not exploit all the potential of the pure
    journaling file systems, for example, it is still block based
    and uses sequential search of file names in directories.

    Its major advantages are:

    • Ext3 journal and maintain order consistency in both, the data and
      the metadata. Differently to the above journal file systems, consistency
      is assured for the content of the file as well. The level of journaling can be controlled with mount options(11).
    • Ext3 partitions do not have a file structure different from ext2,
      so porting or backing out to the old system, by choice or in the event
      the journal file were to become corrupted, is straightforward.

    Ext3 reserves one of the special ext2 i-nodes for storing the journal
    log, but the journal can be on any i-node in any file system or it
    can be on any arbitrary sub-range, set of contiguous blocks on any
    block device. It is possible to have multiple file systems sharing
    the same journal.

    The journal file job is to record the new contents of file system
    metadata blocks while it is in the process of committing transactions.
    The only other requirement is that the system must assure that can
    commit the transactions atomically.

    Three type of data blocks are written to the journal:

  • Metadata,
  • Descriptor blocks, and
  • Header blocks.
  • A journal metadata block contains the entire single block of file
    system metadata as updated by a transaction. Whenever a small change
    is done to the file systems, an entire journal block has to be written.
    However, it is relatively cheap because journal I/O operations can
    be batched into large clusters and the blocks can be written directly
    from the page cache system by exploiting the buffer_head

    Descriptor blocks describe other metadata journal blocks so the recovery
    mechanism can copy the metadata back to the main file system. They
    are written before any change to the journal metadata is done.

    Finally, the header blocks describe the head and tail of the journal
    plus a sequence number to guarantee write ordering during recovery.

    Performance and Conclusions

    Different benchmarks (see Resources below) have shown that XFS and
    ReiserFS have a very good performance compared to the well-tested
    and optimised Ext2. Ext3 showed that is slower but getting closer
    to Ext2 performance. We expect that the performance will improve considerably
    over the following months. On the other hand, JFS get the worst results
    in all benchmarks, not only in performance but it had also some stability
    problems in the Linux port.

    XFS, ReiserFS and Ext3 have demonstrated they are excellent and reliable
    file systems. There is an important area where XFS has higher performance:
    I/O operation on large files, specially compared to its closer competitor,
    ReiserFS. This is understandable and subjected to change over the
    time, ReiserFS uses the 2.4 generic read and write Linux, while XFS
    has ported sophisticated IRIX I/O operations to Linux, the most important
    is the extent based allocation and direct I/O operations. Furthermore,
    the current version of ReiserFS does a complete tree traversal for
    every 4 KB block it writes, and then inserts one pointer at a time,
    which introduces an important overhead of balancing the tree while
    it copies data around.

    For operation on small files, normally between 100 and 10.000 bytes,
    ReiserFS has shown that has the best results, if the affected files
    are not in the cache yet (as occurs during booting). In case you are
    reading files that are already cached in RAM, the difference is almost
    negligible for Ext2, Ext3, ReiserFS and XFS.

    Among all journal file systems, ReiserFS is the only one that is included
    in the standard Linus tree since 2.4.1 and SuSE supports it for more
    than two years now. However, Ext3 is going the be the standard file
    system for Red Hat and XFS is being used in large servers, specially
    in the Hollywood industry, due mainly to the influence of SGI in that
    market. IBM has to put a lot of efforts on JFS in they want to see
    it in the mainstream, although is a valid alternative for migrating
    AIX and OS/2 installation to Linux.



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    Ricardo Galli

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