Llançat phpMyAdmin 2.3.0

phpMyAdmin ens permet administrar, des del nostre navegador, bases de dades MySQL gastant una potent aplicació web. Acaben de lliberar la versió estable 2.3.0, amb moltes novetats …

Si voleu saber com instalar phpMyAdmin només haureu de pegar-vos una volteta per este interesant article de Gigi.

Algunes de les novetats:

  • smaller pages, with menu, for table and db properties
  • centralized db for support tables
  • can specify a different charset for MySQL and HTML
  • utf-8 charset support
  • syntax coloring of SQL statements
  • schema output in PDF format
  • operators in field selection
  • translation feedback page
  • print view for SQL results
  • EXPLAIN support
  • generate PHP code from a query
  • full database search
  • IP-based Allow/Deny
  • foreign table display field
  • support for some MyISAM table options
  • XML export
  • query-by-example: automatic joins
  • faster table delete under MySQL 4
  • a new SQL parser has been merged, and will be used gradually to kill some bugs and improve the whole project consistency
  • interface to Mimer SQL Validator
  • new languages: slovenian, afrikaans, hindi

Algunes de les coses que s’ha arreglat:

  • CURDATE did not work in the function list
  • javascript error with Mozilla and Opera
  • a mysql error when dropping fields
  • alter table was not working on a replicate
  • bookmark error when the table no longer exists
  • bad limit of the number of characters for numeric fields
  • problem with headers in Apache 2





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