Ya ha salido la última versión del Apache que soluciona algunos problemas y mejora el funcionamiento con el 2.2.x. Adjunto los cambios y el config.status del Apache de Bulma que hace que el make install instale los ficheros en los directorios correctos sobre una RedHat. [ACTUALIZADO] Agregado opciones del configure para compilar PHP tal como está en bulma.net
Apache 1.3.17 Major changes
The bug fixes are:
* Correct handling of request byte ranges as specified by RFC 2616.
* Restore functionality broken by the mod_rewrite security fix:
rewrite map lookup keys and default values are now expanded
so that the lookup can depend on the requested URI etc.
* PHP now works under Unixware 7.
* Eliminate caching problems of mod_autoindex results.
* Win32 CGI execution on all Windows platforms is corrected.
* NetWare file and path fixes.
The main new features include:
* Add a new LogFormat directive, %c.
* mod_status now respects ?refresh=n of 1 or greater.
* mod_autoindex fixes browser caching by sending LastModified
and ETag headers if IndexOptions TrackModified is enabled.
Selected new features that relate to Windows platforms:
* Complete handling of ScriptInterpreterSource Registry execution.
* NT and 2000 services can be started with -D FOO style options.
* The close console window button/menu option on 95 and 98 works.
Selected new features relating to other platforms:
* Better discovery of dbm_open() under Linux.
* Linux 2.2.x and later do not need a serialised single listener.
config.status del 1.3.17 de Bulma
## config.status — APACI auto-generated configuration restore script
## Use this shell script to re-run the APACI configure script for
## restoring your configuration. Additional parameters can be supplied.
OPTIM=”-O2″ \
./configure \
“–with-layout=Apache” \
“–enable-module=so” \
“–sbindir=/usr/sbin” \
“–sysconfdir=/etc/httpd/conf” \
“–libexecdir=/usr/lib/apache” \
“–prefix=/home/httpd” \
“–mandir=/usr/man” \
“–includedir=/usr/include/apache” \
“–logfiledir=/var/log/httpd” \
“–enable-module=rewrite” \
“–enable-shared=rewrite” \
“–enable-module=log_agent” \
“–enable-shared=log_agent” \
“–enable-module=expires” \
“–enable-shared=expires” \
“–enable-module=log_referer” \
“–enable-shared=log_referer” \
“–enable-module=auth_db” \
“–enable-shared=auth_db” \
“–enable-module=auth_dbm” \
“–enable-shared=auth_dbm” \
“–enable-module=mime_magic” \
“–enable-shared=mime_magic” \
“–enable-shared=alias” \
Configuración PHP
./configure –with-gd \
–with-mysql \
–with-apxs \
–with-pgsql \
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