Pon en tu firma de correo un buen truco

The LOST project (Linux One Stanza Tip) es básicamente un sistema que va recompilando pequeños trucos sobre linux (cada truco con menos de 6 lineas de máximo 62 carácteres) de forma que son ideales para usar como firma del e-mail …

LOST (Linux-One-Stanza-Tips) is a unique documentation system for Linux, wherein useful hints and tips in any random order are being collected together encompassing any aspect of Linux, so as to make life a bit easier for all Linux users.

These are intended to be used as random signatures to outgoing mails to Linux related lists and user groups. They are relati-vely short (less than 6 lines of width=62 chars)

Van generando y recogiendo nuevos trucos, de forma que los liberan cuando tienen 50 nuevos. Si tienes algun truco nuevo puedes enviarselo para su futura inclusión en LOST 😉


Articulo en la LinuxJournal sobre LOST (Tips and Tricks: Learn GNU/Linux in One Stanza)

Aquí teneís la lista de los 300 trucos disponibles actualmente en LOST, que los disfruteís 😉

  • How To Write a LOST document
  • System Information
  • Catching console output
  • Contents of gzipped tarball
  • Copying from Linux to Win partition
  • Recreating deleted /tmp
  • Hackers Jargon (#1)
  • Capturing startx output
  • User floppy mount
  • User CDROM mount
  • Removing a HUGE file
  • Ctrl+Alt+Del key bindings (#1)
  • Locking a directory
  • Contents of .deb file [#1]
  • Knowing contents of .tgz files
  • Console boot (non debian systems)
  • Additional consoles
  • Console gibberish (#1)
  • File/ dir permissions
  • Shifting screens up/ down
  • Linux Commands (#1)
  • Human-decipherable output
  • Directories-Only ls
  • NumLock ON at boot
  • DOS to Unix conversion (#1)
  • PGP sign out in mutt
  • Default colours on terminals
  • Graphic file conversion (#1)
  • Loss of root password
  • Database de-limiter exchange
  • Video Player for Linux
  • Window Manager (icewm)
  • Window Manager (icewm) #2
  • ext3 file system
  • links console browser
  • GNU/ Debian Linux
  • Hard Disk Upgrade
  • Tips & Tricks for newbies
  • Contents of gzipped tarball
  • Copying from Linux to Win partition
  • Hackers Jargon (#2)
  • Ctrl+Alt+Del key bindings (#2)
  • Re-initialise /etc/inittab
  • Contents of .deb file [#1]
  • Console boot (debian systems)
  • Console gibberish (#2)
  • Linux Commands (#2)
  • Linux Commands (#3)
  • DOS to Unix conversion (#2)
  • Graphic file conversion (#2)
  • Sound file conversion
  • Multiple X sessions
  • Word wrapping with mutt and vim
  • Stripping the kernel
  • Killing a Process (#1)
  • Linux Commands (#4)
  • Administering email
  • Linux Users Counter
  • Get your copy of Linux Gazette
  • Procmail recipe for OE Worms
  • 16-bit DOS partition thru Linux
  • elvis (The renegade vi-clone)
  • Default Console Font
  • Hard Disk packing up
  • Dependent libraries for a binary
  • Checking processes running
  • Listing partition
  • Changing 80×25 on console
  • Learning PERL techniques
  • Linux Documentation
  • Linux Tutorials
  • CSH Scripts 🙁
  • Backing Up your System
  • Best Screen Saver
  • Sending pending mail in queue
  • Procmail recipe to split digests
  • Fetchmail FAQ
  • Whatis database
  • Finding a file
  • Killing a Process (#2)
  • Multi boot : Installation order
  • Linux through NT boot loader
  • Enhancement of IDE hard disk performance
  • IDE device names in Linux
  • Confirming that network is up and okay
  • HTML Mails 🙁
  • Steps for kernel compilation
  • Kernel compilation steps (Debian)
  • ext2 to ext3 conversion
  • exim tip (Sender’s address)
  • iptables tutor
  • System Backup FAQ
  • Oracle HOWTO
  • apt-get FAQ (Debian)
  • apt-get help (Debian)
  • Color tag for new mails (mutt tip)
  • Shell auto completion LOST
  • What all is mounted ?
  • BASH and non-login shells
  • Where to get the latest LOST ?
  • Line-spacing a text file
  • Contents of bzipped tarball
  • How to read HTML mails from mutt
  • Formatting a floppy
  • Reducing processes needed
  • Sysadmin utils (hostname)
  • Sysadmin utils (adduser)
  • Sysadmin utils (add / delete groups)
  • Sysadmin utils (editing passwd/ group files)
  • Sysadmin utils (editing personal info)
  • Sysadmin jobs (changing boot message)
  • Suppressing login messages
  • Mailbox status on login
  • Changing Message of the Day
  • Monitoring su attempts
  • No password login as user (#1)
  • Sysadmin jobs (changing user shells)
  • How to make a password
  • How to make a Loadlin bootdisk
  • Selective header fields in mutt
  • Colourful Prompts
  • Background dialing in wvdial
  • Limits for UID
  • Troubled by spam ?
  • Setting system date and time
  • Locating a command (whereis)
  • Searching thru the bash_history
  • Monitoring internet traffic
  • Function key menu with .inputrc
  • Wall-papering with xv
  • syslog output on console
  • Console gibberish (#3)
  • Console gibberish (#4)
  • Changing keyboard repeat rate
  • man2txt
  • Optimising updatedb database
  • DOS to Unix conversion (#3)
  • Help on built-in commands
  • Line numbering your programs (#1)
  • Line numbering your programs (#2)
  • Back-Space and delete under X
  • Capturing screen output using setterm
  • Word, line and byte counts of text files
  • Disabling shell screensaver
  • Reading man docs
  • Konquerer (kde)
  • bash tricks (#1)
  • Shortcut keys for dir navigation (#1)
  • Julian dates
  • Killing a Process (#3)
  • Shortcut keys for dir navigation (#2)
  • Line numbering your programs (#3)
  • XEmacs != Emacs on X
  • Line numbering your programs (#4)
  • Line numbering your programs (#5)
  • Emacs, something you run only once !
  • Spell check within Mutt
  • rpm quick hints
  • Password Length
  • Automatic log-out (if not in use)
  • Lesser used commands (rev)
  • Exporting filesystems over NFS
  • Sha-bang !
  • Deleting dot files
  • Lesser known commands (tac)
  • Lesser known commands (chattr)
  • Lesser known commands (xargs)
  • Lesser used commands (expand)
  • Lesser used commands (split)
  • Password protection in vim
  • Searching for files (#1)
  • Searching for strings in files
  • Environment variables
  • xset goodies (#1)
  • Bailing out from vi !
  • Using Aliases (bourne shell/ clones)
  • Using Aliases (csh shell/ clones)
  • Listing and Removing Aliases
  • Pronouncing “LINUX”
  • Removing accidentally untarred package
  • Are your X paramaters correct ?
  • Changing default OS under LILO
  • LILO password
  • Linux drivers for Winmodems
  • dbx/ mbx to mbox conversion
  • Accessing ext2 through Windows
  • How to check for bad tracks in cdrom
  • Manipulating DOS floppies
  • Manipulating cron jobs
  • Some useful bash prompts
  • Viewing compresses files
  • Largest files on your system
  • Printing a manpage
  • DOS to Unix conversion (#4)
  • Find the spelling of a word
  • Command execution timing
  • Finding Hostname for IP address
  • Erasing at the command prompt
  • Viewing part of a file
  • Creating an empty file (#1)
  • Sysadmin things (hostname in RedHat)
  • Adding current dir to path
  • Easy key-mappings for Vi clones
  • vi mode display (through ~/.exrc)
  • No password login as user (#2)
  • Ad-nuisance on Internet
  • Adding a swap file
  • Checkinstall
  • Lesser known commands (w)
  • Lesser known commands (ps2pdf)
  • Untar a bunch of tarballs (with wildcard)
  • Lesser known commands (toe)
  • Telnetting to another host
  • Ultimate Packer for eXecutables (upx)
  • Downloading html pages as text
  • Extracting single line from text file
  • DOS to Unix conversion (#5)
  • DOS to Unix conversion (#6)
  • Unix to DOS conversion (#1)
  • Unix to mac conversion (#1)
  • Simple console calculator (#1)
  • Simple console calculator (#2)
  • html2txt with Lynx
  • Clock on Console
  • Sending attachments from command line (#1)
  • Knowing your IDE HDD parameters
  • Using export for passing constants to bc
  • Sending attachments from command line (#2)
  • Removing ^M from mails (using fetchmail)
  • Simple-One-Line-Calculator (solc)
  • Knowing your fetchmail options
  • Explaining first char in “ls -al”
  • Large memory and LILO boot
  • Creating an empty file (#2)
  • Mounting a zip drive
  • Backing up a directory (#1)
  • Backing up a directory (#2)
  • Searching for rpm package name
  • Finding installed PCI devices
  • Synchronising time with net time servers
  • Switching desktops under X
  • Man pages on web
  • To randomly play mp3 songs from a directory
  • Linux Modem Compatibilty list
  • Instant Messaging in Linux
  • Midi Sequencer for Linux
  • Playing midi files
  • Accessing yahoo chat from behind firewalls
  • Corrupt .tar.gz downloads with Netscape
  • Step-by-step iptables firewall
  • Firewalling doubts (ipchains/ iptables)
  • Enlarging font size on xterm
  • Rotating screen resolution under X
  • Useful links
  • Changing ownerships (users & groups)
  • Commenting lines under vi (for scripts)
  • Knowing the size of installed binaries
  • Knowing dependencies of executables
  • Recovering from corrupt LILO on MBR
  • Mounting audio CDs
  • Extracting lines X to Y in a text file
  • Removing all blank lines from text file
  • Generating random data
  • Tutorial on Shell scripts
  • Line numbering your programs (#6)
  • Single user mode booting under grub
  • Knowing kernel version on running box (#1)
  • Knowing kernel version on running box (#2)
  • Clearing screen on logout (bash)
  • Examining keycodes of keyboard
  • Command line shortcuts (history)
  • defrag under linux
  • Killing X Programmes with xkill
  • Killing X Programmes (under KDE)
  • Killing X Session from keyboard
  • Temporary disabling user accounts
  • Background processing
  • Pushing process into background (bash)
  • Pushing process into background (bash) [#2]
  • Keeping processes running
  • Redirections under shell
  • Re-initialising CPAN shell config
  • ps mouse under linux
  • Starting X and keeping console free
  • Colours on welcome messages/ text files
  • kill-proc (killing user process by an user)
  • How to make a password [#2]
  • LaTeX tutorials
  • Linux man pages on the net
  • Command-line Calculator
  • Samba Installation Help
  • Installing joystick under linux
  • Getting HEX dump of files
  • Recovering an accidentally deleted boot.b
  • Receiving faxes unattended (using efax)
  • Changing ‘From:’ id under mutt
  • A digital clock for your prompt
  • LILO on boot sector of root partition
  • Blocking spam using sendmail
  • Chatting on your intranet

$ alias carcoco=”echo Carlos Cortés”

Lista de enlaces de este artículo:

  • http://lost.sourceforge.net
  • http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=6187&mode=threadℴ=0
  • http://bulma.net/todos.phtml?id_autor=132
  • Este post ha sido traido de forma automatica desde https://web.archive.org/web/20140625063149/http:/bulma.net/body.phtml?nIdNoticia=1404 por un robot nigromante, si crees que puede mejorarse, por favor, contactanos.

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