TipsForLinux: Trucos Para linux …

He encontrado una página con trucos (realmente son mini articulos) que creo que pueden ser muy interesantes para todo buen linuxero, la página en cuestión se llama TipsForLinux, y contiene entre otros trucos sobre: Bash, cron, at, shell variables, php, emacs, apache, dd, find, locate, java, xmms, ppp, lilo, etc …

Aquí os dejo el listado de los artículos disponibles hasta ahora, que los disfruteís 😉 :

  • 44 – A Quick Introduction to Bash Programming – Part 2
  • 43 – A Quick Introduction to Bash Programming – Part 1
  • 42 – Input/Output Redirection in Unix
  • 41 – A PHP Tutorial for Beginners – Part 5
  • 40 – A PHP Tutorial for Beginners – Part 4
  • 39 – A PHP Tutorial for Beginners – Part 3
  • 38 – A PHP Tutorial for Beginners – Part 2
  • 37 – A PHP Tutorial for Beginners – Part 1
  • 36 – How and when to use the dd command?
  • 35 – Accessing CDROMs in Linux (covers mount, umount, fstab configuration file)
  • 34 – Developing User Interfaces with GTK (C Programmers) – Part I
  • 33 – Customizing Emacs using the .emacs file – Part III
  • 32 – Understanding file permissions and modifying them using chmod
  • 31 – Using Emacs – Part II
  • 30 – How to set Shell Environment Variables (bash shell)
  • 29 – Installing and Configuring Apache Web Server (Part I – Part III)
  • 28 – What are the SUID, SGID and the Sticky Bits?
  • 27 – Understanding software Installation (configure, make, make install)
  • 26 – Wildcards, Quotes, Back Quotes, Apostrophes in shell commands ( * ? [] ” ` ‘)
  • 25 – How to use the most popular command in Unix – Grep
  • 24 – Pipes – Get the most out of your shell
  • 23 – Running X Windows Applications using Cron – Part III
  • 22 – How to find – Size of a directory & Free disk space
  • 21 – How to find files in Linux using ‘find’
  • 20 – How to find files in Linux using ‘locate’
  • 19 – Text scrolling off the screen?
  • 18 – How to compile & execute C programs under Linux (Absolute basics)
  • 17 – Scheduling tasks using Cron – Part II
  • 16 – Scheduling tasks using Cron – Part I
  • 15 – Execute a task ‘at’ the time you want..
  • 14 – Configuring Kppp to connect to the Internet
  • 13 – The right way to ask queries in a Discussion Forum
  • 12 – Using Emacs – Part I
  • 11 – Setting the PATH
  • 10 – Installing Java under Linux
  • 09 – Using GQ View to view Jpegs
  • 08 – What to do if Linux refuses to boot after a power failure?
  • 07 – X Font Server Error ?
  • 06 – Getting LILO to boot Windows (by default)
  • 05 – Using Winamp Skins with XMMS
  • 04 – Windows COM Ports equivalent in Linux
  • 03 – Access Windows partitions from Linux
  • 02 – Setup of Ensonic Sound Card (PCI Sound card)
  • 01 – Configure PPP for dialup for a single machine


Más trucos y recetas sobre linux:

$ alias carcoco=”echo Carlos Cortés”

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