Broadcast 2000 ha muerto viva Cinelerra

Recientemente no enteramos que Heroine Virtual el equipo de
desarrollo de Broadcast 2000 habia parado el desarrollo del mismo por
diversos motivos, la buena noticia es que han reemplazado este potente sistema
de edición de video profesional por Cinelerra, que parece será
incluso más potente que Broadcast 2000

Tal y como he podido rescatar de la web antigua gracias a google, parece que
recibieron fuertes
presiones externas
que los forzaron a detener
definitivamente el desarrollo de Broadcast 2000:

After a long period of deliberation on the matter, Broadcast 2000 has been
removed from public access due to excessive liability.

In recent months the line between warranty exemption and liability has
become increasingly blurred as more companies have liquidated and more
individuals have begun to seek compensation.

We’ve already seen several organizations win lawsuits against
GPL/ warranty free software writers because of damage that software
caused to the organization. Several involved the RIAA vs mp3/p2p
software writers. Several involved the MPAA vs media player authors.
You might say that warranty exemption has become quite meaningless in
today’s economy.

While not related to either of these cases the distribution of
Broadcast 2000 enhanced to unacceptable levels the risk of an
individual experiencing significant financial damage due to the
extremely expensive nature of high end video production and the high
risk inherent in professional video business marketing.
This has forced us to reconsider our liability protection at this
time. We still plan to continue offering minor works for download and
in the coming years, as the liability issues surrounding open source
software are resolved, we expect to issue newer major works.

Pero ahora nos obsequian con esta herramienta GPL
para hacer peliculas en linux de la misma forma que los profesionales:
Cinelerra, estamos de
enhorabuena 😉

Cinelerra is a complete audio and video production
environment for Linux. It is designed to replace Broadcast 2000.

$ alias carcoco=”echo Carlos Cortes”

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